Sunday, October 28, 2007

rss reader / none tab looks funny

none tab needs css fix

rss reader / dilaog position

dilaog sometimes popping up to high in the window. This may have something to do with it being embedded on the home page. Solution might be to dynamically set the pos on the client-side

Thursday, October 25, 2007

rss reader / tabstrip bug forcing browser to scroll up

when you click on a tab it forces a scroll....fix might be in component art docs, attibute change, or forums

rss reader / could not load content

This error appears to be happening when trying to load in the feed for the first time. It happens only when the feed takes a long time to load, JS throws a warning, but dows eventually load.

...possibly callback tag is too slow? - or need to change the way vb fetchs URL...?

UPDATE: also happening on dialog 2 so might not be related to fetching XML. dialog 2 fetchs off XML file stored on disk so might not me a timeout error.......? could put XML in db to improve peformance?

rss / scrolling tab bug

- Scrolling tab not positioning correctly. Need to fix Z-index to make it not accesible when dialog box is up, and sometimes on FireFox scroll tab is not in the correct snap box.

- also, on first load, tab does not load correctly (css issue?)

rss reader / feed issue

- No handling for type=HTML content in the content tag. Need to see if this is for both RSS and Atom, and need to implement fix

rss reader / UI issues

- scrolling tabs implemented but not working. Still need to fix

- still need to handle scroll bars